Available FBU Grants

Copyright 2013-21 - Furbearers Unlimited
All Rights Reserved
Website by Hawk Mountain
Furbearers Unlimited, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.
Furbearers Unlimited provides the opportunity for individuals, groups, businesses, state agencies, scholastic entites and organizations to apply for FBU Grants.
Proposals will be considered for research projects, habitat development and education projects involving furbearers.

The Grant Request should include a written proposal which includes:
• Scope of project
• The project's major flow steps
• Amount of grant requested

Upon receipt of a Grant request, the FBU office will acknowledge the request and forward it to the FBU President.
The FBU President will receive the request to determine if the project is within limits imposed by the U.S. Government regarding FBU's 501(C)(3) status.
The FBU office staff will then assemble a proposal package comprised of the original request, the FBU Treasurer's financial input, and President's acceptability input.
As a last step, the proposal then goes before the full FBU Board of Director's at their annual meeting.

When a grant is brought before the FBU Board of Directors, the Board will discuss and choose one of three options: approval, rejection, or approval with modifications.
The Board will also determine the awarded amount, payment issue schedule, and follow-up reports.
To submit a grant request, contact
FBU Business Office
429 H Street
Bedford, IN 47421
Email: ntasec@kiva.net
Phone: 866-680-TRAP